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Старый 14.08.2009, 01:56   #1
О пользователе
По умолчанию Sachin / John Mahendran / 2005 / DVDRip


Год выпуска: 2005
Страна: Индия
Жанр: Боевик,мелодрама
Продолжительность: 02:32:06
Перевод: Субтитры
Субтитры: Английские

В ролях: Vijay, Bipasha Basu, Genelia

Описание: But Sachien is a campus love story much in the shades of Vijay's earlier venture Kushi ---- the same hero, an egoistic heroine, an old comedian still studying in the campus and an oomph girl having some fun with the hero. Kushi ---second innings, actually.

Though Vijay has given a creditable performance, unfortunately the lack of a novel story and a dull script which moves the movie at a snail's pace unfortunately take the sheen out of it all. In a nutshell, it's a Vijay's show all through (which ends in a disappointment).

The entire film occurs in Ooty. The movie unfolds with Sachien (Vijay) waiting to take a flight to go abroad. The flashback begins.

Sachien is a carefree and noble-hearted college student, who comes across Shalini (Genelia) in the campus and falls in love with her.

Ayyasamy, (Vadivelu) and Santhanam (Lollu Sabha Santhanam), students in the same college also love Shalini. Shalini though is a good friend of Sachien, doesn't want to tell those three words that he wants her to. It eventually becomes a cat and mouse game. Enters Manju (Bipasha Basu), who runs behind Sachien with skimpy costumes, and that makes Shalini go green with envy.

When Sachien comes to know that Shalini's parents have arranged her wedding with an industrialist's son in Canada, he decides to bid bye to her and even asks apolgy for running behind her so long. Now enters Gowtham (Raghuvaran), a rich businessman and father of Sachien. Following a sequence of events, Shalini develops a soft corner for Sachien and decides to express her love to him.

And she does after a typical climax in the airport.

Vijay, who proved his skills in playing a comedy role in Vasseegara, seems to have reproduced such a good show in Sachien too. His body language and dialogue delivery deserves a special mention. Genelia is too expressive. As beautiful as the dew-dappled flowers that the film abounds with, she comes with a spunky show especially towards the climax. She also can shake a mean hip. Bipasha Basu, for whom a huge amount was paid, is just not there in the film. She comes, and she goes. And what a hype for all this! Vadivelu usual brand of humour fails to work.

The real hero of the movie is cinematographer Jeeva, who has captured the Ooty landscapes quite very well. Devi Sri Prasad has rendered typical peppy numbers. Johan has his father's touch. But that alone is not enough in these times.

Watching Sachien is a bit like watching the real Sachin bat these days ---occasionally good.

Качество: DVDRip
Формат: AVI

Видео кодек: DivX
Размер кадра: 608х256 pixel
Частота кадра: 23.976 fps
Видео битрейт: 527 kbps

Аудио кодек: MP3
Частота дискретизации: 48 kHz
Каналы: 2.0 (stereo)
Аудио битрейт: 117 kbps

Просьба к переводчикам! Если можете, переведите фильм на русский. Мне всё равно, будет фильм с субтитрами или переводом. Если будет возможность во времени, помогу и я с переводом. Заранее спасибо.

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Тип файла: torrent Sachin.2005.DVDRip.Divx.avi.torrent (14.1 Кб, 10 просмотров)

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